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Physically and Mentally Healthy, These are the Benefits of Clean Air for You

Breathing fresh and clean air is not just refreshing your breath. More than that, the benefits of clean air for physical and mental health are also numerous. So, there's nothing wrong if you start making some changes to improve the air quality in the surrounding environment.

The air in the atmosphere basically cannot be clean without any pollutants at all. Several types of gases such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO), and other gases must be present in the air. This is because there are natural processes that pollute the atmosphere, such as volcanic eruptions.

However, the content of toxic gases in clean air is not excessive, so it is still safe to be inhaled by humans. It is different if there is air pollution caused by human activities, such as from motor vehicle fuel.

As a result of burning these fuels, the air can no longer be said to be clean because the levels of toxins in it have exceeded the safe threshold for health.

Many countries are now increasingly active in conducting clean air campaigns for health. In fact, the world health organization World Health Organization (WHO) has launched a BreathLife campaign to create clean air around the world by 2030.

This campaign is in line with various research results which state that the benefits of clean air for human health are very important, including the following.

1. Healthy respiratory tract

Air pollution is known as the root cause of various health problems related to breathing. On a small scale, dirty air can cause shortness of breath, coughing, mucus buildup in the airways, and sore throat.

2. Lower the risk of chronic disease

Another benefit of clean air is to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular (heart disease and stroke) to several types of cancer. By breathing fresh air, you will also rarely get sick.

3. Extend life

WHO says no less than 7 million people die every year due to inhaling polluted air. However, this death rate can be prevented if you make sure the air you breathe is clean and healthy, and minimal exposure to toxic gases.

4. Increase stamina and focus

When you get used to breathing clean air, you will feel fresher and more energized, so you can do your activities more optimally. Not only that, pollution-free air will also help the brain work more optimally. So you can focus more!

5. Improve mood

The benefits of clean air will also be felt on mental health, which makes you feel happier and less stressed. So, if you feel bored, try walking in a shady park away from the crowds, then take a deep breath to relax your body again.

In addition to human health, the benefits of clean air will also be felt by the environment and the earth globally. Visibility will improve when you are in an environment with minimal air pollution. One of them is because there is not much particulate matter flying in the air.

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