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Benefits of Clean Air for Humans

Humans need clean and fresh air for life. Clean air has many benefits for the body and human survival. what are the benefits of clean air for the body?

Let's take a look at the benefits of clean air for human health below.

1. Healthy respiratory tract. Air pollution is known as the root cause of various health problems related to breathing. On a small scale, dirty air can cause shortness of breath, coughing, mucus buildup in the airways, and sore throat.

2. Lower the risk of chronic disease. Another benefit of clean air is to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular (heart disease and stroke) to several types of cancer. By breathing fresh air, you will also rarely get sick.

3. Extend life. Toxic gases from polluted air can cause death. However, this cause of death can be prevented if you ensure that the air you breathe is clean and healthy, and minimal exposure to toxic gases.

4. Increase stamina and focus. When you get used to breathing clean air, you will feel fresher and more energized, so you can do your activities more optimally. Not only that, pollution-free air will also help the brain work more optimally. So you can focus more!

5. Improve mood. The benefits of clean air will also be felt on mental health, which makes you feel happier and less stressed. So, if you feel bored, try walking in a shady park away from the crowds, then take a deep breath to relax your body again.

6. With clean air in the surrounding environment, the health of the human body will be maintained, especially the human respiratory system. Especially during a pandemic like this, clean air really helps humans to stay healthy. So, let's together keep the air clean in the surrounding environment starting with ourselves.

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